Bowen Technique

The Bowen Technique is a gentle, but wonderfully effective, remedial therapy. It is a series of gentle moves or rolls over soft tissue encouraging, among other things, the stimulation of blood and lymph circulation. This establishes crucial neural communication, opening energy pathways and relaxing muscles, enabling the body to naturally realign and re balance from cellular level upwards.Bowen Therapy is a non-invasive therapeutic bodywork system which employs cross-fibre muscle movements throughout the body. Short waiting periods are incorporated into the session, allowing the brain time to assimilate, correlate and create a positive response, which is sent back to the area being treated. When these “moves” are placed in a precise manner across muscle and connective tissue, they create a deep sense of relaxation, relieving the pain and stress from a multitude of physical ailments. This response ,created via the autonomic nervous system ,has been verified as extremely effective in a high percentage of clients in clinical testing .It is understood that the underlying cause or source of many musculoskeletal, neurological, neuromuscular and other health or pain problems could be found in the soft tissue or fascia. Fascia is a specific type of connective tissue that forms a three dimensional web surrounding every tissue in the body. Fascia is the body organiser embracing all nerves, bones, arteries, veins and muscles. Therefore fascial dysfunction can affect every structure, muscle, nerve and organ in the body. Fascia has become the subject of increasing research and recent studies have shown it to be the largest sensory organ in the body. It is rich in a range of receptors that powerfully influence the body’s neuro-muscular physiology in many and complex ways

Thomas Bowen originated in Geelong Australia in 1916. He worked in a cement factory as a young man and through his sporting involvement and observations, he developed an interest for bodywork and massage. Indeed he was fascinated with the human body and spent much of his time researching Anatomy and Physiology. By his early 40’s he had developed his talent for using initiative with knowledge to run a full time practice using his unique therapy. By 1978 he was treating 13000 patients per year, 280 per week, with the help of an assistant. Tom Bowen died in early 1980’s having taught only a handful of therapists, but they have preserved the essence of his work, and it is now a flourishing, established form of treatment, increasingly used by Chiropractics, Osteopaths and Physiotherapists.

Thomas Bowen

What will happen during a treatment?
A Bowen treatment session is pleasant, gentle, non-invasive, non-manipulative, and deeply relaxing. The session will last about 45 minutes to an hour, with the first session lasting longer due to full consultation. This will take into account your general health, previous health issues, lifestyle and diet. You will then be asked to relax on the therapy couch or chair, remaining fully or semi clothed, and covered with a blanket or towel. The moves are done in sequences and between these sequences the therapist will leave the room, thus allowing the body to fully focus on the work just done and to absorb the information and make necessary adjustments. This will initiate the body’s healing processes and patients may report feeling sensations like heat, tingling, numbness, pins and needles, or just relaxing comfortable sensations.

What happens after a treatment?
It is preferable to have a programme of treatments and the optimum time for the subsequent treatments is approximately 7-10 days later, thus allowing for realignment and rebalancing. During the interim period of adjustment, the body will be making many minor changes, some of which will seem apparent, others not noticeable. These can include the following; symptoms worsening or disappearing altogether, aching or flu like feelings in the muscles, headaches and nausea, increase in urination and bowel movements. These effects are quite unique to everyone and one way to help with them is drinking plenty of water, about 2 litres a day is good, and keeping your muscles moving in a gentle way, thus encouraging lymphatic drainage, and the elimination of toxins in the body.

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What can Bowen treat?
The answer to this one is quite simple, Bowen can treat the patient. Using Bowen, we look at the whole person, not just the presenting symptoms, so we therefore are not only looking to eradicate the presenting problem, we seek to uncover the cause. It has been used with good effect on many problems including ; musculo/skeletal, hay fever/asthma/eczema, digestive problems, hormonal inbalances, stress, sports injuries, auto-immune disorders, infantile colic, plus much more. Bowen is such a safe treatment , with no known contra-indications, that it can be used on young and old, those in chronic or acute pain, and people with terminal disease( with their GPs consent ). See interview below with Bear Grylls.


Bear Grylls – Born Survivor – Twelve years ago, aged 21, he broke his back when training with the SAS after his parachute failed to inflate at 16,000 feet. “I should have cut the main parachute and gone to the reserve but thought there was time to resolve the problem.” He landed on his parachute pack, which was like an iron bar, and fractured three vertebrae. It was extraordinary that he was alive, let alone not paralysed – but incredibly the spinal cord, which channels messages between the brain and all parts of the body, had not been severed. Bear was treated at Headley Court, the defence forces’ rehabilitation centre in Surrey. “The doctor said I was a miracle man. I had come so close to severing my spinal cord. Because of my age and my fitness, they decided I could avoid surgery.” Instead, he underwent ten hours a day of physiotherapy, swimming, stretching and ultrasound treatment – a programme designed to help servicemen get back to active duty, but rarely available to civilians. The alternative – and one offered to most people in a similar situation, but without Bear’s peak fitness – is surgery to fuse the broken vertebrae. ‘I had nightmares for months. Still, I was lucky to walk away without surgery – but ever since, I have suffered twinges and pains.” Deep massage helped, but he says he always felt physically ‘unbalanced’ by his injury. Then a year ago his wife suggested he see a Bowen therapist. The Bowen technique, developed in the 1950s, involves using rolling movements over muscles, ligaments and tendons. This is said to send impulses to the brain to trigger the body’s own healing system. Precisely how it works is a mystery, but many professional football clubs maintain a Bowen therapist as it has been shown to be very effective in realigning the skeletal structure. “I was sceptical, but wanted to keep an open mind,” says Bear. He went to see East Sussex based Bowen therapist Sarah Yearsley. “With the slightest squiggle of her fingers, it felt like petrol was being put back in my tank and I could feel all the stress seeping away. More importantly, after my back accident, my spine and pelvis had lost alignment, so I felt unbalanced.” Sarah explained that Bear’s pelvis was slightly twisted – and that this would cause endless problems and backache. Most fans of Bear’s Born Survivor series will not have noticed anything wrong, yet a subtle misalignment – visible only to the expert eye – can impact on total health For Bear, who is often jumping out of planes, having complete structural alignment is even more important than for the average person. Bear describes himself as now ‘hooked’ and has treatment every month.

For more information on the use of Bowen technique for addictions see –



What is it?
Pronounced “Ray-Key” meaning Universal Life Force Energy. It is acknowledged worldwide by health care professionals and scientists, that in order to maintain homeostatis the life force energy must flow freely around the body.
Our bodies have a subtle energy system through which this vital energy flows, and it is essential to our survival. We are born with this energy intact, but when it becomes low or blocked we have the potential to become ill or suffer from “dis-ease”.
There are many things which contribute to the disruption of our energy flow. Life today can be hectic and stressful and this can reflect on our health, and although stress is a part of all our lives, it is how we deal with it that can badly affect us.


Just for today, do not worry. Just for today, do not anger. Honor your parents, teachers, and elders. Earn your living honestly. Show how gratitude to everything.

Dr. Mikao Usui

I am trained in the Usui Ryoho system of Reiki, re-discovered by Dr Mikao Usui in Japan in the late 1800’s. He had a keen interest in healing and studied in his practised religion as a Christian, extending his studying into Buddhism. He embarked on a quest to fully understand what or indeed who created the healing, which led him to have an enlightening experience whilst fasting in the mountains for 21 days. He tested what he was shown, and was himself put to the test as he learned that people must first accept responsibility for themselves, and their health. He also learned that when something is given away, the recipient must show gratitude and be appreciative for what they receive, thus honouring the giver and the gift.
He passed his teachings onto Dr Chujiro Hayashi, who trained Mrs Hawayo Takata, and Reiki was then introduced to the Western world. It is practised world-wide today and is recognised by Complimentary and allopathic practitioners.

What will happen during a Reiki treatment?
The practitioner will discuss with you any health problems which you may be experiencing or may have had in the past. You will remain fully clothed whilst having the Reiki , and the treatment will last about 1 hour. The practitioner will place their hands either on, or just above you, in a sequence covering the whole body. Their hands may become warm and you may feel deeply relaxed and safe. People report many different feeling whilst having a Reiki treatment and it is very much an individual experience. After the treatment you will be advised to drink plenty of water to aid de-toxification, and you may feel calm and relaxed. You may feel a surge in energy, a well-being feeling, clarity of mind and peacefulness, lighter in your body as if a weight had been lifted from you. This is due to the shifts in energy within you and the changes may well take place for a few days following treatment.

What can Reiki Treat?
Reiki may be helpful with numerous problems as it works on a fundamental level. The only limitations are the ones placed by the recipient because they are unwilling to cast off old habits and accept change and healing.
Reiki has been useful in treating a host of illnesses or “dis-eases”. It is very relaxing, sometimes taking the recipient into a medatitive state and generally leaving them with a “chilled- out” feeling after treatment. Reiki treats the person and not the symptoms, which may only be an indicator of a problem.




What is Reflexology?
Reflexology refers to a methods of treatment whereby massage, used in a particular way on reflex points, can cause effects in areas quite distant to the feet. It can also be used on the hands. The feet are a mirror image of the body, and if a particular area is tender or painful, then it is possible to work on the foot to stimulate a resonse in the corresponding body area. This can be useful if the part of the body is too sore to touch, or with patients who have terminal disease and could be in great pain, much comfort and relief can be gained by addressing the foot reflex area. This will stimulate the nerve endings in the foot and initiate the healing process. It will also help the body to de-toxify and eliminate any over production of uric acid and calcium which could be stored in the feet. Reflexology should not be used to diagnose problems, but the therapist can build up a clear picture of the clients general health and may suggest ideas to help with certain issues.

History of Reflexology
The origins of reflexology date back at least 5000 years when the Chinese were known to have practised a form of pressure therapy with a basis similar to that of acupuncture. The ancient Egyptians were also depicted in tomb drawings massaging the feet. The earliest book written on “Zone Therapy” , as it was first known, was published in 1582. Dr William H Fitzgerald commenced research into zone therapy in 1913 and was intruiged by the fact that he could apply pressure to certain parts of the hands which would inhibit pain. He used this whilst operating on patients and discovered that the body could be divided into 10 longitudal zones from the toes to the brain. Another pioneer of Reflexology was Eunice Ingham whose books became standard textbooks for students. She taught Doreen Bayly whose teachings are still continued today through the Bayly School of Reflexology.

What will happen in a Reflexology Treatment?
You will have a consultation with the practitioner to check that there are not contra-indications to the treatment. You will be asked about your general health and any health issues you may have had in the past, your lifestyle, and your diet. You will then be invited to either lay or sit on the therapy couch, whichever is most comfortable for you. The practitioner will then massage your lower legs and feet to relax them and prepare them for working, and then proceed to cover the whole of the foot, top and bottom, with a massage technique called thumb or finger walking. This gives them constant contact with the foot and enables them to note any changes in texture , contour, or tender painful areas. You may feel relaxed and even sleepy whilst you are having the treatment, which should last for about 1 hour.

What can Reflexology treat?
Reflexology has been used to treat a number of different conditions. As with other holistic therapies, it is used to treat the whole body , therefore the client is being treated and not their symptoms. It has shown to be effective for the following problems; headaches, hormonal problems, musculo-skeletal problems, digestive disorders, parkinsons disease, plus many others.