Learn Reiki

Learn Reiki

Reiki is more than a treatment or self treatment, it is a commitment to leading your life in a different way . The Reiki course will help you to understand how to align with energy and utilise it to heal yourself and others. The teachings will encourage a more holistic view of life and forge changes which can assist with awareness of how we choose the life we lead.

During the course, very moving “Healing Meditations” from India are experienced, which help to prepare you for the Attunements.

Also, a friendly “all around the table” home-made lunch is provided so that you do not need to worry about bringing anything.

The course has been likened to being on a retreat, creating a feeling or relaxation and harmony, but also students often leave with a feeling of excitement of discovering the power of Reiki and looking forward to what is to come, and how their lives may change.

Reiki Attunements


In the Reiki 1st Degree, there are 4 Attunements, addressing four energy centres which are known as chakras.

These 1st Degree Attunements, primarily focus on the physical body, opening up a channel so that it can accept and transfer greater quantities of “Life Force Energy”.

We are all born with Reiki (Life Force Energy) which lies dormant until it is awakened by a Reiki Master. Once this has been activated, it is with you for life. The 1st Degree allows you to concentrate firstly on self-healing, and also on healing family, friends and animals.

The course is held over a 2 day period during which you receive a 60 page manual, guiding you through everything that you will have been taught. Due to this being most people’s first introduction to Reiki, often many other topics regarding Reiki are discussed, as well as taking part in 4 powerful healing meditations.

First Degree Certificate awarded.


During this two day course, you will receive two attunements, greatly increasing the flow of the Reiki “Life Force Energy”, and also developing your psychic and spiritual awareness.

You will be shown three poweful sacred symbols, and taught how and when to use them, again increasing the healing power of Reiki.

Also you will be whown how to use one of the most wonderful gifts that we can acquire – Distant Healing. This can be a most effective way of sending healing to someone who needs it, but is not able to be with you at that time.

Manual and Certificate given.


The 3rd Degree attunements is to initiate a Master. As a Master, you are enabled to teach others and to help them empower themselves.

Usually the Masters Degree is only taken by people who have chosen to accept a greater responsibility for their life by acknowledging that they can strive to become the Master of their own destiny.

Also, much more commitment and dedication is required, but the rewards are great, including discovering a sense of your true essence!

Manual and Certificate given.


For further information and costs, please contact me direct.

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